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Beginners hip-hop (ages 5-7)


Monday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


3077 Brighton 1st St, Brooklyn, NY​​

Program dates

September 9th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


Rita G.​


This program will fit best those kids who are interested in hip-hop dance, but don't have any dance experience or just have a little experience. The classes are designed both for those who want to become professionals as well as for those who want to learn dance as a hobby. During the class, we will work thoroughly on building stamina, flexibility, and strength, explore basic hip-hop moves, develop body control and learn some choreography. This program is the best way to keep your child fit, healthy, strong, disciplined, build confidence, and to teach your kid to follow a healthy lifestyle from early childhood.


What's included:

- basic hip-hop moves

- physical exercises & stretching

- musicality & rhythm exercises

- acro elements & jumps

- choreography basics

- fun & creative environment


During the semester, kids will participate in the small dance performances. For those parents who are interested in social media development for their kids, optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok will be available.

Price: 195$ 
per month for 2 classes per week
Beginners hip-hop (ages 8-12)


Tuesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


3077 Brighton 1st St, Brooklyn, NY​​

Program dates

September 10th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


Rita G.​


This program will fit best kids without any dance experience. During the class, students will learn basic hip-hop moves and variations, explore different grooves, as well as work on building stamina and develop body control. The classes are great workouts for those who want to lose weight and keep themselves fit. If you are not sure which level to choose, you can always start with these classes and then move to a higher level.


What's included:

- basic hip-hop moves 

- physical exercises & stretching

- musicality & rhythm exercises

- acro elements & jumps

- choreography 

- fun & creative environment


At the end of the semester, students will participate in the small dance performance. For those who are interested in social media development, optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok/YouTube will be available.

Price: 195$ 
per month for 2 classes per week
Competition Team (ages 7-12)


Tuesday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Thursday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


3077 Brighton 1st St, Brooklyn, NY​​

Program dates

September 10th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


Rita G.​


These classes are designed for kids who wants to compete and perform in a professional field. During the year kids will learn 2-3 performances and attend 1-2 professional level competitions. During the class, they will learn advanced steps and variations, explore different styles, learn choreography. All this will help to improve stamina, flexibility, musicality, strength, and develop body control. 


Learning skills: stage presence, advanced technique, creativity, teamwork, strength and endurance, musicality, acro elements.


What's included:

-  hip-hop moves, grooves, variations

- physical exercises & stretching

- musicality & rhythm exercises

- acro elements & jumps

- choreography 

- fun & creative environment

- improvisation


Kids will participate in different dance competitions, events, and recital. For those parents who are interested in social media development for their kids, optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok/YouTube will be available.

Price: 195$ 
per month for 2 classes per week
Hip-Hop Teens (9+)
Dance Team


Monday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


1117 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY​​

Program dates

September 9th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


Rita G.​


This enhanced program will fit both kids with and without any dance experience. During the class, students will learn basic hip-hop moves and variations, as well as work on building stamina and developing body control. Here we will also focus on developing individual style in dance, and teach more advanced choreography.  It's a great choice for those who wants to expand their knowledge in dance, pursue a professional career or just have a good hobby for health.


What's included:

- hip-hop moves & variations

- individual style development

- physical exercises & stretching

- musicality & rhythm exercises

- acro elements & jumps

- choreography 

- freestyle sessions

- fun & creative environment

- optional rehearsals on Sundays for competitions and shows (not included in the price)


During the semester, students will participate in different dance competitions, events, shows and recital. For those who are interested in social media development optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok/YouTube will be available.

Price: 195$ 
per month for 2 classes per week
Breaking kids (ages 6+)
Urban Breakdancer


Tuesday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Thursday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


1117 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY​​

Program dates

September 10th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


BBoy Static​


This is an open level class where kids will explore the art of breakdancing. The class will begin with a warm up and stretching. During the year kids will learn basic breaking/top rock steps, movement transitions, freezes, dynamic combinations. Kids will practice challenging routines, power moves and freestyle. 


Learning skills: creativity, strength and endurance, acro elements, power moves, musicality and rhythm.


What's included:

- top rock/breakdance moves

- freestyle

- tricks / acro elements

- physical exercises & stretching

- musicality & rhythm exercises

- fun & creative environment


For those who are interested in social media development, optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok/YouTube will be available.

Price: 195$ 
per month for 2 classes per week
weekend school
Weekend school: Pre hip-hop (ages 4-6)


Saturday 11:00 am - 11:45 am


1117 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY​

Program dates

September 7th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


Rita G.​


This program is designed for kids who just want to start their dancing journey. Kids will explore their abilities through basic hip-hop moves, work on rhythm and musicality, improve their flexibility, stamina, balance in a fun and creative environment. This program is the best way to make sure that your child will stay fit and healthy while doing some physical activities and expressing themselves through the dance.


Learning skills: creativity, teamwork, stage presence, musicality and rhythm, strength and endurance.


What's included in a program:

- physical exercises 

- stretching

- basic gymnastics

- musicality exercises

- basic hip-hop moves

- choreography basics

- development games

- fun & creative environment


During the semester, kids will participate in dance performances. For those parents who are interested in social media development for their kids, optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok/YouTube will be available.

Price: 100$ 
per month for 1 class per week
Weekend school: Kids beginners (ages 5-7)


Saturday 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (ages 5-7)


1117 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY​​​

Program dates

September 7th 2024 -

June 30th 2025


Rita G.​


This program is designed for busy parents who don't have time to bring their kids to classes on weekdays but are ready to come on the weekends. Bring your kids conveniently in the morning and let them attend the classes they prefer.  Great workout in a fun and creative environment, which works best as well with combinations of other physical activities. 


What's included:

- physical exercises 

- stretching

- musicality exercises

- basic hip-hop moves

- choreography basics

- development games

- fun & creative environment

- additional rehearsals on Sundays for competitions and shows (not included in the price)


At the end of the semester, kids will participate in the small dance performance. For those parents who are interested in social media development for their kids, optional video recordings for Instagram/TikTok will be available.

Price: 110$ 
monthly for 1 class per week
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